Chef-crafted burgers from a military-themed food truck




Capsule Review

We love chefs who love great burgers. Chef Kelly McDonald has sharpened his skills creating large, satisfying burgers from coast to coast (and beyond, in Hawaii) and now he’s brought his bold vision of what makes a great burger to the Woodlands area. His approach is modular: You start with a solid basic burger, and pick from a curated list of well priced, fresh toppings. Cheese lovers rejoice; Chef Kelly is a kindred spirit. The tightly edited menu eases beyond burgers with a unique spin on a cheesesteak sandwich, and some tempting hash brown-based entrees that we’re dying to return and try. The kitchy military setting outside the truck adds to the fun; the chef assures us that the grenades won’t go off… unless you try to sneak off with a menu.


1622 Rayford Rd | Spring 77386 | Map

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Chef: Kelly McDonald